Invited by GCAP-SENCA SENCA South-East North and Central Asia , Wang Man, the coordinator of GCAP-China, participated into 2010 GCAP SENCA Regional Meeting in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from July 28th- 30th 2010. The meeting aimed at promoting the cooperation and exchanges among GCAP East Asia members and strengthening GCAP network. There are about 50 participators from ROK NGOs and GCAP members in China, USA, Canada, South Africa, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Philippine and Indonesia.
The meeting discussed the governance and structure of GCAP East Asia and agreed to form a Governing Council to facilitate the future joint campaign themes, on which an initial agreement was achieved among members. Moreover, delegates discussed the joint campaign strategy on the advocacy to the G20 Seoul Summit, which will be held in ROK in November 2010. On the meeting, Wang Man made a presentation about the work of GCAP-China under the supervision of Steering Committee and CANGO, especially the activities of advocacy on protection of migrant workers' rights, civil society participation in development, and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) implementation.