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City vows to promote low carbon economy

City vows to promote low carbon economy

Write: Szervec [2011-05-20]

Chengdu was named one of the Low Carbon Cities in China on Thursday in Beijing at the Low Carbon China Forum. Other cities winning the honor include Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hohohot and Wenzhou.

Chengdu was also designated as one of China's Cities with Competitive Low Carbon Industries. Offi cials from Chengdu municipal government declared at the forum the plan for promoting low carbon economy in the city for future development. Issues of the plan include the development of new energy industry and the use of renewable resources, including biogas, thermal heat and rubbish-generated energy.

As indicated by a proposal in the plan, the municipal government is considering initiating a program that will encourage more people to take bicycles as means of transportation by providing free-of-charge bicycle renting to local residents.

Source: Chengdu.gov.cn