Cadbury to enhance distribution in China
Lorna Davis, chairman and president for Kraft Foods China, said that the company plans to enhance the distribution of its Cadbury products in China and will increase the number of its distribution sites to about 40 Chinese cities in the next two years.
According to reports in foreign media, Davis said that if they have unlimited resources and manpower, the company will introduce all their products into the Chinese market. However, their current focuses in the Chinese market are still integrating Cadbury and developing cookie business.
Apart from chocolate, Kraft will explore the Chinese breakfast market and launch products like cakes and pies. Davis believes that the Chinese breakfast market has development space and Kraft will take it.
According to Davis, Kraft China's profit increased by four times over the past four years and she predicted that the growth will maintain.
Kraft Foods acquired the UK candy maker Cadbury for USD19 billion in January 2010.