Issues to follow after China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue
From: Xinhua
The recently concluded second round of China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) was widely considered a success.
Meanwhile, the event s achievements and issues are being followed closely by academics, media and policy-makers in both countries.
Analysts said the key areas being watched were China s market economy status, U.S. high-tech exports to China, the renminbi exchange rate, cooperation on new energy sources and trade and investment environment.
At the dialogue, the U.S. pledged to seriously consider the issue of China s market economy status and speed up the process of acknowledging that status.
However, Chen Fengying, chief of economic studies at China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said, although the U.S. attitude on that issue had improved, it didn t mean Washington would soon acknowledge Beijing s market economy status.
The U.S. legislation process to acknowledge China s market economy status requires some external conditions, such as the marketization of the exchange rate and price formation mechanism and the opening of capital items, Chen told Xinhua.