10 Most Trustworthy Retailers
Merchants whose financials provide comfort to investors and shoppers alike.
Would you buy a life vest or an expensive watch from a retailer that cooks its books? Probably not if you could help it.
The fact is, companies that play it fast-and-loose with one area of their operations--like financial reporting--are probably inclined to do the same in areas near and dear to shoppers' hearts--like product quality, truth in advertising and merchandise returns policies.
With this in mind, Forbes compiled a list of the 10 Most Trustworthy Retailers. To crunch the numbers, we turned to Audit Integrity, an independent financial analytics company in Los Angeles. Audit Integrity looks beyond the raw data that companies report in their income statements and balance sheets to more than 100 factors that help it assess the true quality of accounting and management practices. Its aim is to identify the measures most highly associated with fraud and to quantify the risks that companies' stock prices will tank, that their managers will be forced to restate their financials and that outsiders will hit them with securities lawsuits.
Audit Integrity has back-tested its proprietary metrics to 1996 to establish correlations between corporate behavior and negative events. The result is its Accounting & Governance Risk rating, or AGR, which is a percentile score ranging from 0 to 100, with corresponding ratings from Very Aggressive (lowest scores) to Conservative (highest scores). The AGR forms the backbone of the all-industry Most Trustworthy Companies list that Forbes recently released. Fewer than 5% of public companies make this list. Audit Integrity's AGR scores also form the basis of Forbes' Risk List.
Notable, perhaps, among retailers: the absence of top-shelf names like Target (whose accounting Audit Integrity rates as "Aggressive"), Macy's ("Aggressive") or Wal-Mart ("Very Aggressive").
Instead, topping the list of most trustworthy retailers with perfect AGR scores of 100 are: Hot Topic, an Internet-based apparel retailer; and Citi Trends, a seller of value-priced clothing trough 400 retail outlets. Christopher & Banks, which operates 800 women's apparel stores under its corporate name and the C.J. Banks moniker, comes in a close second with an AGR score of 99. Other top scorers included Haverty Furniture, Fred's Discount Stores and Zumiez.