China fixed asset investment up 24.9% in first seven months
China s fixed asset investment in the first seven months rose 24.9% year on year to 11.98 trillion yuan (1.77 trillion U.S. dollars), the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced.
State-owned and state-controlled investment rose by 20.1% to 4.95 trillion yuan.
Investment in central government projects rose 10.4% to 924.2 billion yuan, and investment in local government projects was up 26.3% to 11.06 trillion yuan in the first seven months year on year.
Foreign investment climbed 0.9% to 418.3 billion yuan in the first seven months year on year. Investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan was up 15.8% to 381.3 billion yuan. Domestic enterprise investment rose 26.6% to 11.14 trillion yuan.
Total investment in the primary sector (including farming, fishing and forestry) rose 18.9% from a year earlier. The industrial sector saw investment up 22.1%, and investment in the tertiary sector, which covers commerce, finance and services, rose 27.4%.
Investment in railways was up by 21.5% to 290.5 billion yuan, in oil and natural gas by 7.9% to 128.7 billion yuan, in electricity and thermal power production and supply by 6.9% to 577.1 billion yuan.