Retail sales accelerate, but only a little
Retail sales accelerated in Australia in July, moving ahead by 4.3 per cent on a year-over-year basis and 0.7 per cent on month-to-month seasonally adjusted terms, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Victoria and New South Wales have outperformed the national average growth rate from a year ago, improving by 6.3 per cent and 5.1 per cent respectively. Meanwhile the two states that once represented the fleet-of-foot side of the now forgotten two speed economy Queensland and Western Australia plodded along with sales growth of 3.9 per cent and 0.9 per cent.
Food away from home continues to be a star-performing retail category, up 15 per cent in July, while supermarkets also recovered some of their mojo (+4.9 per cent).
The July results support the thesis that when the federal government stimulus was removed from the base year (the last payments went out in June of last year) headline growth would show some acceleration.
However, this is still a dubious victory, like winning a test match against Pakistan.
The problem is we are yet to see genuine momentum in any of the discretionary categories except for food away from home.
Consumer electronics and specialty clothing experienced negative sales growth in July from a year ago. The department store sector (which includes both full-price operators and discounters) did little better with a 0.7 per cent rate of increase.
The malaise affecting the discretionary categories cuts across both chains and independent retailers.
Small retailers collectively outperformed the chains in July for the third time this year, and even without cafes and restaurants the independents managed positive sales growth for the first time in 13 months, a milestone made largely possible by the absence of stimulus spending in the base year.
Although there isn't a lot of joy in these numbers there is a sense of stability. Things clearly are not getting worse, even if they are not getting better at the rate we would have hoped.
This should change for the better as the year goes on. Consumer fundamentals have been much improved during the past couple of months with tax cuts kicking in, the Reserve Bank keeping interest rates on hold and consumer confidence rising.
However, the supply side is still a constraint. Consumers want something fresh and interesting to spend their money on. New digital products have come on to the market, which compensate partly for growing saturation of flat panel televisions in Australian living rooms.
However, fashion apparel retailers have been short of interesting merchandise at sharp prices, a deficiency that shows up not just in clothing specialty store sales but in department store sales as well.
Internet sales of branded end-of-summer merchandise from Europe and America are also increasingly nibbling away at the sales of domestic store-based retailers. This factor could become more influential over the coming months because retail sales momentum in the US has stalled since mid-year, creating greater unpredictability about where trends are headed.
Since unpredictability is the parent of inventory overshoots, there is a risk (although Australian consumers wouldn't call it that) of excess merchandise piling up in manufacturer and retailer warehouses in the northern hemisphere that needs to be dumped somewhere.
Looking on the bright side, if you can call it that, the cafes and restaurants are going gangbusters. Australians may not be that interested in clothes right now but they are certainly interested in eating.
Food service has averaged about 22 per cent of all discretionary retail spending over the past year, the highest level it has ever achieved.