Multibrand retail FDI may remain in deep freeze amid protests
If the objective of the discussion paper on opening up multi-brand retail to foreigners issued by the department of industrial policy and promotion (Dipp) was to generate a debate, it has been very successful. If, however, the department expected that it would get some useful insight or coalesce opinion in favour of opening up, then it has come for some disappointment.
The reaction to the July 6 paper has been along predictable lines. On one side are the industry lobby groups representing foreign companies and multinational retail chains seeking an opportunity to do business in India, and on the other domestic retail industry that fears for its future. The Indian business lobbies operating at the national level, such as CII and Ficci, have chosen a cautious approach, but those operating at the state level are vehemently opposed to FDI participation in retail.
The big question: should FDI be allowed in multi-brand retail at all? If so, should the government adopt a cautious, calibrated approach, opening up slowly? Other questions: should the government mandate a proportion of the investments brought in by foreigners be channelled into creating backend infrastructure, should jobs in retail chains be reserved for rural youth, should FDI in retail be restricted to cities with population above 10 lakh, and how can small retailers be integrated into modern retailing models.
Opening up the multi-brand retail sector to foreign investors has always been a difficult proposition and if responses of the domestic retail sector will swing opinion in Udyog Bhavan, then it will be long time before the government will take this big step. Perhaps foreign investors in cash-and-carry wholesale trading need to do more to demonstrate the benefits of organised procurement and supply, and instil confidence in the unorganised sector that there is room for both small and large players.
In contrast, opening up single-brand retail to FDI (in January 2006) was easy as only premium brands were expected to take that route. Many such brands had already established presence here through franchise agreements. At present, 100% FDI is allowed on the automatic route in cash-and-carry trade and 51% in single-brand retail with prior government clearance.
The foreign players such as Bharti Walmart and Carrefour have favoured 100% FDI in multi-brand retailing, but given the political sensitivity around the subject, they are willing to settle for 49-51% initially. However, they would like the government to lay out the path to reach the 100% level in the near-to-medium term.
Metro, the first foreign retailer to venture into cash-and-carry here, has stated that a step-by-step approach would be appropriate as that would give local industry opportunity to build competencies. The lobbies representing foreign firms such as US-India Business Council, American Chamber of Commerce in India and UK India Business Council too have made a case for 100% entry of FDI in the segment.
USIBC stated that a 49% FDI initially would be acceptable while Amcham said that phased approach could be adopted for the grocery segment, allowing 51% initially. UKIBC felt that a cap on investment would put India at a disadvantage relative to competing destinations for retail FDI such as China, Thailand and Indonesia.
Representatives of unorganised domestic retail sector and state-level industry lobbies have reacted with shock that the government has floated a discussion paper on allowing foreign entry into retailing. And, they are mostly unwilling to buy the argument that foreign players will invest in backend infrastructure and cold chains necessary to reduce wastage of farm produce.
Some felt that the government should be blamed for not creating adequate infrastructure. Other concerns voiced include that farmers will not necessarily get a better deal when the foreign retailers begin operations. Rather, they fear farmers would be forced to sell their produce at lower prices, citing case studies from experience in the US.
Some like the Mumbai-based Fruit & Vegetable Merchants Association assert that it was a misconception that large quantities of fresh produce is wasted and that farmers were getting just 12-15% of the price a consumer pays for horticultural produce. According to them, wastage is not more than 5%.
Opinion on other key questions too was divided. But unlike the primary question, many of these questions appear rather random the Dipp does not appear to have given much thought to each of them before seeking public opinion. For instance, the question of stipulating a percentage of investment in backend infrastructure should not have arisen if the government understood the business model.
As the retail sector big daddies pointed out, their business cannot function smoothly if they do not have a strong backend to support the front-end and, so, most of that investment will have to be made in the initial years. Likewise, the question about reserving jobs for rural youth. Surely, most jobs on the shopfloor save for the customer-facing ones would not be taken up by well-educated urban youth. Those will have to be filled by youth who are not well-educated. Ditto for most jobs in the supply chain.
The question whether multi-brand foreign retail outlets should be restricted to cities with population in excess of 10 lakh makes little sense. First, business goes to a location where it makes commercial sense. And, availability of cheap land and manpower, accessibility and linkages with major roads and railway stations and potential to attract customers would influence that decision.
As pointed out by some respondents to the discussion paper, restricting them to large cities may not help the objective of the increasing employment opportunities for the rural youth, nor would it help development of rural areas. Rather, migration to urban areas may only increase.
Clearly, the government will not be able to open up the sector to foreign investors even if it desires. And, at this juncture, it will not be able to do so without the opposition calling it a sellout to the foreign lobby.