China s direct investment abroad expected to break through USD100b by 2013
Based on the introduction of executive vice president of China Industrial Overseas Development and Planning Association Fan Chunyong, China s direct investment abroad is expected to break through USD100b and capital stock USD500b by 2013 in the calculation of the average annual growth rate of China s direct investment abroad in the past 10 years.
Fan stated that in 2009, stock of China s direct investment abroad amounted to approximately USD300b, 32 times the size of 2002, and the ranking of China s direct investment abroad across the globe jumped to the 6th position in 2009 from the 12th place in 2008, thus China being the genuine capital export power.
In accordance with the World Investment Report 2010 recently issued by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, non-financial foreign direct investment (FDI) of China amounted to roughly USD48b, ranking the sixth worldwide in 2009, which was 48 times the size of 2002, Fan said.