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Haibao toys have most fans in Shanghai Expo

Haibao toys have most fans in Shanghai Expo

Write: Oram [2011-05-20]

On July 8, Lin Shengyong, head of the Expo commerce department, explained that during the 2 months after opening of Shanghai Expo, the value of sales of licensed Expo products has already surpassed the previous target; the sales per square meter reached 300 Yuan in average, with the maximum in several stores of 1000 Yuan.

Lin said that, up to now, 360 manufacturers were licensed to produce expo products. They developed tens of thousands of products in 29 categories with wide-range subjects.

As visitors love Haibao very much, they buy toys as gifts or souvenirs for family members or friends. Until now, the cheap 50 Yuan Haibao toys attracted most popularity. On the other hand, badges, mobile straps and precious metal products are welcomed.