Peru and Chile will unite to export fruit
Mab [2011-05-20]
An expert affirms that there's compatibility between both markets.Peru and Chile could be converted in complementary markets when it comes to exporting table grapes, mandarin and avocado, Isabel Quiroz, expert in market intelligence from I Consulting, affirmed.
"There's a clear complementarity between the production of Chile and Peru", she stated before explaining in which way and in which markets, the agriculture from both countries could focus together.
Regarding grapes, she highlighted that Chile is a sales leader in the world, with a great participation in the United States, where the Peruvian grape could get in when the Chilean exports end. In Asia, according to her suggestion, the country should promote its fresh grape against the Californian one, that is better quality as time in a warehouse passes. She observed that Chile also exports to that region, where the quality in the Peruvian red globe variety is highly appreciated. This, in her opinion, strengthens the idea of merging the offer.
"Peru and Chile have a lot of complementarity. Mainly, because they're looking to offer the same quality and our grapes have the same quality", she sustained.
As for the mandarin being exported to Europe, she emphasizes that the varieties produced by both countries are different than the ones in the other supplying countries, like South Africa and Australia. "Marketing has to be done, for example, for seedless mandarin, which is green in colour", she indicated.
Stressing that exports could also be encouraged to send avocado to the European Union (EU), where Chilean exports have a position and Peru is known by its quality.
According to Quiroz, complementarity would be warranted on a mid-term for the quality of the exporting offer. Although, to have a "common front" it is recommended to manage efficiently the volume, by studying the quality generated by each producing zone (to find out which one is the complement); and taking advantage of the productive area's specialization moment in the world.