August 9, UPS announced in Beijing the new UPSImportControlSM technical services, so that importers can also control the transport and the cost of imported goods, but not limited to the export side.UPSImportControlSM can reduce the customs documents or information to write the error caused by missing your shipment delays, and to importers in the clearance of goods after the removal of the commercial invoice, then the direct transport of goods to a third party recipient.
It is understood by UPSImportCon-trol, the importer can use the UPS website ( on the UPS transportation system, CampusShip and InternetShipping to handle import shipments. These functions can be imported in small package shipping label and commercial invoice generation, and the information sent to the International of the sender (exporter). The importer can even assign members to prepare for UPS delivery and pick-up these files.