DHL Express CEO, recently said Lin Jinglun: Greater China has become its global network, one of the fastest growing markets, and the future of SMEs in mainland China will play its important role in business growth.
Gentle forest Jinglun, with named "Who better understanding of China," the new global marketing campaign, went zooming to Beijing. It is understood that the campaign is aimed at small and medium enterprises worldwide as well as enterprises in key industries, and the choice to publish the first time the Chinese do.
Lin Jinglun said: "For those overseas enterprises seeking to develop opportunities for the significance of cross-border express delivery service is self-evident. No matter where customers live, DHL's global strength and local expertise can help these enterprises to establish a rapid response to market delivery system. This is the 'Who better understanding of the' campaign to pass a core message you want to. "
Statistics show that last year in the Asia Pacific region, DHL cargo over 170 million votes, more than 2.1 million tons of its air freight, sea freight of its nearly 985,000 TEUs.
Lin Jinglun pointed out that the Greater China region in the world economy to continue to play an important role, China is the engine of development throughout the region. The engine that drives the third wave coming, and that is mainland China's SMEs. The first and second wave of the engine is to promote China as a manufacturing base for multinational corporations and Chinese enterprises to grow exports.
Present, the RMB is facing pressure to appreciate. Lin Jinglun believes that the current that will not affect the export of Chinese products, it will not affect the development of DHL's business in China. Because China is the engine of world economic development, even if exports decline, while the yuan continues to appreciate, Chinese manufacturers will reduce these prices to continue to maintain a competitive advantage. The large number of procurement of raw materials from overseas, will also enable a significant reduction in the cost of Chinese products.
According to reports, in China, DHL's promotional activities will focus on "who is a better understanding of China," the themes, highlighting the DHL of the world and unique insight into the Chinese market and help customers identify business opportunities. DHL based on this latest campaign will be landing in 30 countries, including India, Brazil, Mexico, Britain, Germany and other important markets, scheduled to start October 4 and continue until December.