Rich man's sport? (3)
Finlay [2011-05-20]
Get your bonk on
As a showcase for an enlarging consumer base for skiing, a group of 1,000 spectators gathered in Nanshan Park in Beijing last Saturday night to watch extreme snowboarders show off their flashy cabs, bonks and other tricks.
According to Olli Fenwick-Ross, PR manager at Beijing-based Mellow Parks, the organizer of the event, they have been holding the event for five years, with increasing sponsorship from major overseas sportswear companies.
Meanwhile, the Austrian embassy has also noticed growing enthusiasm for its charity race. Anja Knass of the commercial section said that 250 people of 15 nationalities from Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities participated in the event.
That was compared with 100 people last year.
She also estimated that they collected over $15,000 in donations for an SOS village in Lhasa, Tibet, more than double last year's sum.