New powerhouse takes economic transformation up a gear (7)
Tawny [2011-05-20]
Tang argues Chengdu should go all out to accelerate its economic growth to catch up with eastern coastal areas: "Only industries can narrow the gap across regions."
The government has written economic restructuring into the draft 12th Five-Year Program, the national development plan for 2011 to 2015, which will be delivered for review next month to a plenary session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature.
Ardo Hansson, World Bank lead economist for China, has confidence in China's economic sustainability.
He says more is yet to be done: opening up the service sector; moving more rural people into cities, which will generate new demand; and developing higher level education so workers have the skills needed by higher value added industries.
(Xinhua correspondents Shi Ying, Zhang Miaomiao, Ni Yuanjin, Hai Mingwei, Zhang Qin also contributed to the story)