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Schedule of China Hi-end Retail Forum2010 (Day 2)

Schedule of China Hi-end Retail Forum2010 (Day 2)

Write: Newton [2011-05-20]

Urbanlization IN CHINA

MAY 14th Friday AM

Unique Code To Expand Retail In China

0800 Morning registration

0850 Chairman opening welcome

0900 Urbanlization trend in China - fashionable world
• Population, wealth, consumption, the power of one and
changes in retail landscape
Stacey Choe
Director - Asian Operations
Asia Business Group (Beijing) Consultancy Co., Ltd

0930 HOPSCA Plan in China second-tier cities (Chengdu)
• Hotel, office, park, shopping mall, convention and apartment
plan in the second-tier cities
Secretary Municipal Committee of the CPC / Merchants
Bureau will be chosen for the presentation

1000 Panel discussion: Do Chinese cities' plan have any law
to copy compare to developed countries' experience
Moderator: Stacey Choe, Director, ABG Consultancy
Panelists: TBA

1030 Morning refreshments and networks

1100 Cost Effective Deep Penetrated Distribution Network -
B2C Model in Direct Selling Business

1130 The landscape of hi end retail market in China
• Consumer diversity in China retail market
• The customer shopping experience is changing
Pierre LU Xiao
Department of Marketing in School of Management
Fudan University Visiting Professor, LVMH-ESSEC Chair

1200 Bringing creativity into retail : how to develop
luxury "cachet" in stores ?
• How can retail design, merchandising and marketing help
identify and differentiate luxury brands as integral part of luxury
retail shopping experience?
• If high end brands have been putting a strong importance
in choosing the perfect images (and models), words (and
mottos) and locations, more coherence in brands’ identities and
experiences are necessary to become true luxury brands.
• This session will aim at bringing a transversal vision from
brands retail perspective and objectives to retail designers
helping make them happen. It will hence meet the interest of
luxury brands retail developers but also real estate developer/
owners, retailers and malls willing to attract more high end
brands by designing more coherent atmospheres.
Moderator: Jonathan Siboni, CEO, Developing Euro-Asian
Links (Deluxe Society)
Panelists: CEO, American Supply on Material Identity

1230 Luncheon (Sponsor Space Available)

Backstage retail service

MAY 14th Friday PM

Retail Mobility And Flexibility

1400 Hi-end cosmetics leverage internet channel
enhance the prefered image

1430 Consumer protection issues: a retail
• Key technology for the future of retailing
• RFID – future technology with key advantages for
retailers and consumers
• Shaping the future of retailing today
David Antunes
Head of Corporate SCM
Metro Cash & Carry (Inviting)

1500 Afternoon refreshments and networks

1530 The huge growth in supply chain control to boost
retail revenue
Ivy Jiang
Business Development Director

1600 RFID, EFPOS and system integrated edge in hi end
retail application
• Accelerate processes in the supply chain and make
them more transparent
• Reduce inventory levels
• Increase the availability of goods in stores
• Continue improving quality assurance
• Reduce counterfeiting

1630 Integrated shop logistic solution in China
• The World is an Uncertain Place
• Export-Led Growth Hindered
• Possible New Growth Models
• Global Trends and Pain Points

1700 Creating shopping atmosphere - illumination,
entrance and new arrival

1730 Consumerism with Chinese characteristics:
retail, mixed-use planning and design strategy for a
new generation of consumers

1830 Farewell Party