
Hezhou White Marble Forest


Hezhou Yu Shi Lin (Hezhou White Marble Forest) is in Huangtian Town, Babu District. It is 18 kilometers (about 11.18 miles) from the central city of Hezhou.


Hezhou Yu Shi Lin (Hezhou White Marble Forest) is a stone forest of white marble columns and white marble stalagmites. It stands out of the mountains around. It is called “Fairyland on Earth” by the tourists and is called geological miracle by geologists.

Brief Introduction:

Hezhou Yu Shi Lin (Hezhou White Marble Forest) came into being in Jurassic period, about more than 100 million years ago. Due to the geological changes in the long history and the over one thousand years’ long tin ore mining since the Song Dynasty, the stalagmites here are exposed and the peaks are strangely shaped. So, the unique geological conditions and history give Hezhou a large number of rare natural landscapes including “Qian Nian Lu Tuo” (A-thousand-year-old Camel), “Kong Zhong Zou Lang” (Corridor in the Air), “Yi Xian Tian” (Narrow Sky) and so on.

Hezhou Yu Shi Lin (Hezhou White Marble Forest) is on the same tourist line with Gupo Mountain National Frest Park and Hezhou Luhua Hot Spring. Hezhou Yu Shi Lin (Hezhou White Marble Forest) covers an area of 25 hectares, with the whole tourist distance of about 13 kilometers (about 8.08 miles) and over 100 scenic spots. Being in the White Marble Forest is like being in a fairyland. The magic of the nature is amazing while the legends which have a history of over one thousand years are touching.