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CAS academician gives an Artedi Lecture in Sweden

CAS academician gives an Artedi Lecture in Sweden

Write: Ettie [2011-05-20]

CAS academician gives an Artedi Lecture in Sweden

As an Artedi Lecturer, Prof. ZHANG Miman, a renowned paleoichthyologist and CAS Member from the Institute of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, presents a one-hour talk at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, on 5 December.

CAS academician gives an Artedi Lecture in Sweden

Prof. ZHANG Miman gives a talk at the Artedi Lectures at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, on 5 December.

Prof. ZHANG Miman (CHANG Meemann), a CAS Member from the CAS Institute of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, was invited to give a talk at the Artedi Lectures at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, on 5 December.
In her one-hour talk, Prof. Zhang, world's most renowned paleoichthyologist, made a systematic exposition of the paleo-geographical and paleo-ecological implications of fossil cypriniforms from China.
The Artedi Lectures, which are given every three years, were inaugurated in 2005 in commemoration of the tricentennial of the birth of Sweden's famous ichthyologist Petrus Artedi (1705-1735). The Lecturers are ichthyologists of considerable scientific excellence and recognition, who have made a contribution to ichthyology by a broad approach combining discovery, description, analysis and synthesis in a way that has significantly inspired new generations of ichthyologists.
Three speakers were invited at the Lectures in 2008, which was co-organized by the FishBase Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Museum of Natural History. In addition to Prof. Zhang, the other two lecturers were Prof. Joseph Nelson from University of Alberta in Canada, and Prof. Gloria Arratia from Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas in US.