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Yemeni Government Scholarship Student Speaks at the 2010 Graduation

Yemeni Government Scholarship Student Speaks at the 2010 Graduation

Write: Amarina [2011-05-20]

On July 10, 2010, the graduate school graduation of the class of 2010 was held at the international conference hall. With several leaders attending the ceremony, nearly 400 people attended the ceremony. Presiding over the event was Vice Dean of Graduate Zheng Kai-feng. This year, fifteen Master and Ph.D students elected Electric Institute Yemeni scholarship student Saleh Yahya Mohammed to speak.

While commencing his speech in English in order to convey his thoughts, Saleh Yahya Mohammed concluded his speech in Chinese, stating, Too many people in China have helped me during my studies. I thank them for everything they have done. He went on to exclaim, I love China, I love Jiaotong! Following the meeting, Saleh Yahya Mohammed, and other master degree students were winners of the Nguyen and Chun-Yang Chen principal photo.

So far, the graduate school has doctoral alumni around the world, with more than 50 postgraduates. September 2010 is expected to bring in high school students of the highest caliber, with upwards of 100. This fully shows that our school has become a high-level institution with an important training base in engineering and beyond.