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Student Lai Lisi Wins First Prize in National Writing Contest

Student Lai Lisi Wins First Prize in National Writing Contest

Write: Jilli [2011-05-20]

Lai Lisi from the 2007 class of Chinese Language and Literature students in the College of Liberal Arts won the national first prize in the 2010 Sasagawa Cup Writing Contest and was subsequently invited to visit Japan as an exchange student.

The 2010 Sasagawa Cup Writing Contest was co-hosted by the China Youth Daily Office, the Japanese Science Association and People Magazine, China. After the contest opened in April of 2010, China Youth Daily Office received 5,877 qualified works from all over the country, out of which the selection committee chose 42 writers to receive awards.

Lai Lisi s essay Seeking Common Ground while Putting Aside Differences in the Sino-Japanese Work Camp was published in the international edition of China Youth Daily on November 22nd, 2010. During the re-examination in December, Lai became one of the six first-prize winners nationwide. The five other first-prize winners were from Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Henan.

Invited by the Japanese Consortium and Japanese Science Association, Lai spent eight days in Japan this past February, visiting Tokyo, Okinawa, Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara, among other locations. An article about her impressions of her visit, Looking Back on China while Standing in Japan , was published in the international edition of China Youth Daily on March 3rd, 2011.

Translated by Gao Jing (09 Chinese)

Student Lai Lisi Wins First Prize in National Writing Contest

Student Lai Lisi Wins First Prize in National Writing Contest