
America's parched hard red winter wheat crop may face something of a make or break week, potentially receiving up to 20 inches of snow ?which it will need to protect it from a follow-up freeze. Weather models have "changed dramatically overnight", placing a "major winter storm" ...
CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--Widespread protests in Egypt Tuesday renewed concerns about rising food prices after high costs contributed to riots in Tunisia and Jordan. Thousands of Egyptians descended on downtown Cairo's main square in the country's largest anti-regime protest in recent ...
CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--U.S. corn futures closed lower for the second consecutive day Tuesday as the market pulled back from 30-month highs. Corn for March delivery, the most-active contract, settled down 11 1/4 cents at $6.44 a bushel at the Chicago Board of Trade. Widespread ...
US corn futures close solidly higher on renewed supply concerns. The market bounced back after falling Tuesday on general selling of commodities. Corn futures need to rise to slow strong demand and encourage US farmers to expand plantings this fall to replenish supplies, analysts ...
The European Union has, temporarily, suspended import duties on feed wheat and barley, lifting the chance of the first imports from Australia in more than a decade. Officials from EU countries approved proposals to drop until June the E12 a tonne duty on feed wheat and the E16-a...
Corn, wheat and oats futures were higher on the Chicago Board of Trade, but soybeans fell after China canceled two orders. Corn was up 7 1/4 to up 11 1/4, soybeans were off 4 3/4 of off 9 1/4, wheat was up 18 1/4 to up 20 and oats were up 6 to up 6 3/4. Corn was up for the fourth ...
The UK's blistering pace of wheat exports accelerated further in November - taking them in five months above the figure that official statisticians have pencilled in for the whole cop year. UK wheat exports topped 472,000 tonnes in the month, boosted by a 144,000-tonne shipment ...
U.S. corn futures closed near a 30-month high Friday as commodity funds re-entered the market amid expectations for prices to strengthen on long-term supply concerns. Corn for March delivery, the most-active contract, finished up 6 1/4 cents, or 1%, at $6.48 3/4 a bushel at the ...
Flour output by U.S. mills in 2010 aggregated 416,200,000 cwts, an increase of 0.4% over 414,658,000 in 2009. It was the fourth largest total on record, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Department of Commerce s Bureau of the Census. The total still was down 5,072,000 ...
America's soybean stocks may be shown on their way to the lowest in 35 years after US officials later on Wednesday revise crop estimates, with forecasts for corn supplies also cut, analysts believe. Analysts on average expect the US Department of Agriculture, in its latest Wasde ...
South African farmers may produce the nation s smallest winter-wheat harvest in 19 years after low prices at the start of the season led to a reduction in planting and as floods and heavy rain damage crops. Farmers may reap 1.51 million metric tons of the grain this season, 3.8 ...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services says many of the state's major crops produced lower yields in 2010. Officials say crops like corn, soybeans, peanuts, cotton and hay yields were significantly lower than 2009. Corn for grain ...
KIEV, Jan. 19 (Xinhua) -- The Ukrainian government has decided to increase the country's grain exports quotas, the agrarian policy minister said Wednesday. "Now we are revising the previous restrictions and will soon set new quotas," Minister Mykola Prysiazhniuktold reporters ...
Australia's wheat exports are rebounding from a Christmas lull despite the lower quality of the crop, which was confirmed in data on Tuesday showing a near-tripling in levels of feed wheat. AWB, the country's former wheat export monopoly, said that Australian wheat was "gaining ...
The head of one of Ukraine's major farm operators has warned of a potential "collapse" in the country's grains production if it does not repeal quotas which could cost farmers up to $1.3bn. Eugene Leng, the chief executive of Ukrzernoprom Agro warned that a fall in sowings of ...
The void left by the dearth of Black Sea wheat shipments in world supplies sent Australia's exports off to a cracking start to 2010-11 ?at least, until the worst of the flooding and soaring prices hit. Australia's wheat exports jumped 20% to 919,000 tonnes in November, the second ...
China will maintain more than 90 percent of its self-sufficiency in grains during the coming decade by developing agricultural technologies and improving land use for food production, an agricultural expert said on Saturday. In 2010, the country saw the seventh consecutive record ...
Dryness in Argentina threatens further downgrades to hopes for corn and soybean harvests, even after cuts of 1.5m tonnes apiece on Wednesday, US officials said, warning that sowings may fall short of forecasts. The US Department of Agriculture, in its latest influential Wasde ...
Analysts at Australia & New Zealand Bank have hardened their forecast that Kansas-traded wheat risks becoming a market "flashpoint", warning that the La Nina weather pattern has increased the chances of a poor crop this year. The turn in the so-called southern oscillation index, ...
French officials have, once gain, lifted expectations for the country's wheat exports after data showed shipments from the European Union's top producer running 33% higher than a year before. FranceAgriMer, the French farm office, which a month ago lifted its estimate for soft ...
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China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
China offers inspirations to global dilemmas
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) -- Policies of China's new leadership in the ...
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Bill Gates talks nuclear
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates confirmed on Wednesday that he is ...
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
China slams Japan's NHK governor's denial of Nanjing massacre
BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday slammed the remarks of ...
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
China's farm product pricing plan shifts to market orientation
The Number One Document also proposed a new pricing plan for China's ...
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
IMF chief warns of risks to recovery
DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) -- The International Monetary ...
GM China chairman to retire
GM China chairman to retire
CHICAGO, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- General Motors Co. announced Friday that ...
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Minivans rev up sales for GM
Sales of General Motors and its Chinese ventures accelerated in ...
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name
Shenzhen Municipal Intermediate People's Court has rejected a lawsuit ...
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese leader calls for more marine power
Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli Sunday called for research in polar ...
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Lucrative golf industry lures stiff competition
Two models stand beside golf equipment and bags at a recent golf ...
Yao's gift of sport for all
Yao's gift of sport for all
Chinese NBA player Yao Ming teaches a boy with special needs how to ...
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Fourteen countries expected to compete in Cuba's wrestling tourney
Some 14 countries and regions are expected to compete in the 45th ...