Europe: Polish coal miner Bogdanka signs supply deal with Ostroleka
Winslow [2011-05-20]
Polish hard coal miner, Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka, signed Tuesday a Zloty 799 million ($266.3 million) five-year supply deal with the Elektrownia Ostroleka power plant in north eastern Poland.
Bogdanka said the contract was valid from January 2011 until the end of 2015. Currently, Bogdanka, near Lublin in south east Poland, sells its coal for between Zloty 320/mt ($107/mt) net and Zloty 500/mt net.
The company produced 5.24 million mt in 2009. It mined 4.4 million mt in the first nine months of this year.
In October Bogdanka signed a Zloty 12.5 billion, 19-year supply deal with Ostroleka for its planned 1,000 MW Block C unit with supplies to start in 2016.
Ostroleka's owner, Energa, said in September it had applied for a construction permit to build the unit, which will cost an estimated Zloty 6 billion.
Previously Energa had said it was scheduled to be commissioned in 2017. It will burn around 2.4 million mt of hard coal annually and 200,000 mt of biomass, with an efficiency of more than 45%. It will produce around 7,500 GWh of electricity/year.
Elektrownia Ostroleka, consists of Ostroleka B, which was commissioned in 1972 and its three blocks have combined installed capacity of 647 MW of electricity. Ostroleka A, commissioned in 1956, has installed capacity of 93 MW of electricity and 456 MW of heat.