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Asia:Indian co's eye Pakistan to supply Bt cotton seeds

Asia:Indian co's eye Pakistan to supply Bt cotton seeds

Write: Manish [2011-05-20]
Pakistan has decided to grant permission for commercial cultivation of Bt cotton in their country.

In the wake of this, Indian companies are gearing up to take advantage of the rising demand of Bt cotton seeds in Pakistan.

In the last six months three Indian companies have acquired the country s bio-tech regulator, Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee s (GEAC) permission for exporting Bt cotton seed required for carrying out field-trials at multiple locations in various agro-climatic zones of Pakistan.

The meeting held in September, GEAC permitted Bioseed Research India to supply Pakistan based Monsanto Pakistan Agritech Pvt Ltd. with Bt cotton BGII (Bollgard) cotton hybrids including cry 1Ac and cry 2Ab genes.

As revealed by the GEAC, the main purpose underlying this export was to facilitate field-trials at multiple locations in various agro-climatic zones of Pakistan.

However, this approval is subject to sanction from the National Biodiversity Authority based in Chennai and Pakistan s National Biosafety Committee, it stated. India permitted commercialization of Bollgard II in 2006.

Pakistan is the fourth biggest cultivator of cotton in the world, the total area under cotton cultivation in Pakistan comes to around 40 percent of the area under cotton cultivation in India.

In 2008, around four million farmers in India cultivated more than 300 brands of hybrid Bt cotton seeds on 79 percent of the country s overall cotton acreage by applying four competing techniques.