China: Shandong independents cut coker run rate to 60.2% this week
Quentin [2011-05-20]
Shandong independent refineries cut coker run rate by 2.4 percentage points to 60.2% this week, a survey found.
Most local refineries kept cokers in normal operation this week, except for Shandong Huifeng Petroleum & Chemical Co Ltd. The refinery recorded unsteady output owing to unit glitch at its 1-mil-mt/yr coker. Daily petcoke yields dropped to 450mt, 300mt lower than its normal output.
Shandong Hengyuan Petrochemical Co Ltd received high-sulfur petcoke from its 1-mil-mt/yr coker this week. Daily petcoke output was 600mt.
Petcoke daily outputs from Shandong independent refineries slipped by 100mt to 10,450mt, a survey on Dec 2 found.
A survey included 21 medium to large scale independent refineries in Shandong (excluding three refineries under CNOOC). With 19.6-mil-mt/yr of aggregate petcoke production capacity, these refineries take up 100% of Shandong's total petcoke production capacity.
We added Shandong Sunrise Chemical Co Ltd, which runs its 600,000mt/yr at a utilization rate of 60%, into its survey list this week.
Meanwhile, Shandong Jincheng Petrochemical Co Ltd, which had long been included in the survey list, boosted its coker production capacity from 1.5-mil-mt/yr to 1.7-mil-mt/yr.