After lagging behind Mongolia for the last three months, Australia regained its position as the largest seller of the steelmaking raw material into China, with a total of 1.76 million mt. This was more than double the volumes imported in August, but 38.8% less than in September 2009.
Mongolian coking coal imports totaled 1.51 million mt, down 3.6% month on month, but 201% up compared to September 2009.
Chinese imports of US and Canadian coking coal decreased by 70% and 58%, respectively, on the month to 129,579 mt and 145,655 mt.
Since the start of 2010, 33.5 million mt of coking coal has been imported into China.
In terms of value, Canadian imports were valued at an average of 227/mt CIF China in September, Australian imports averaged $204/mt, US imports $191/mt, Russian $163/mt and Mongolian imports $67/mt.
China ChemNet will hold China SNG/CBM (International) Summit on 10-12 Nov, 2010 in Changji City of Xinjiang Province. This summit is the high-end international summit under the guidance of authorities and experts, conference topics include five major aspects of policy interpretation, industry research, business promotion, business meetings and Sino-foreign cooperation, is not only the new type coal chemical industry conference, but also the best opportunity to energy giant polymerization, government and enterprises investment, investors looking for the project. Sincerely welcome you to attend the summit. Details: