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Americas:Brazil ranked No1 in oil revenue transparency

Americas:Brazil ranked No1 in oil revenue transparency

Write: Craig [2011-05-20]
Brazil is leading in disclosing government revenue from producing oil and mining minerals, according to a study by the Revenue Watch Institute and Transparency International.

The study for the first time measured how well the resource-rich countries make public their management of the national oil, gas and minerals, including the money they receive and contracts they conclude.

Russia at No. 3 in a list of 41 countries that is rich in natural resources. Russia ranks ahead of the United States in disclosing government revenue from producing oil and mining minerals.

The United States ranked 11th, said the study while Turkmenistan was at the bottom.

New York-based Revenue Watch Institute and Berlin-based Transparency International are independent groups tracking corruption.

Independent consultants gathered the information to complete each country questionnaire from November 2009 to April 2010. Research concentrated on identifying publicly available information covering a period from January 2006 to December 2009.