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Europe: ADX estimates Mediterranean Sea Lambouka gas resources at 309 Bcf

Europe: ADX estimates Mediterranean Sea Lambouka gas resources at 309 Bcf

Write: Evanthe [2011-05-20]
p>Australia's ADX Energy said Thursday an initial evaluation of data from the Lambouka discovery shared by Tunisia and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea put mean sales gas resources at 309 Bcf.

The company added there was also potential for significant associated condensate volumes, which based on a similar gas-condensate ratio to the nearby Dougga field are estimated at 24 million barrels.

According to the evaluation, which incorporated newly acquired 3D seismic data and drilling and petrophysical log data from the Lambouka-1 well, proven reserves (P90) are estimated at 145 Bcf, probable reserves (P50) at 277 Bcf and possible reserves (P10) at 528 Bcf gas.

The company said the resource estimates were related to the Abiod and Allam carbonate reservoirs, which are interpreted as hydrocarbon-bearing at the well location, adding that a water wet sandstone reservoir at the bottom of the well also had the potential to be hydrocarbon bearing.

A complete evaluation program would be carried out over the coming months, ADX said, noting a successful well test recovering reservoir hydrocarbons to surface is required together with a commercially viable development plan to move resources into a reserves category.

As such, it is planned to re-enter the Lambouka-1 well to sidetrack and then test the Abiod and Allam formations with a specifically designed Abiod reservoir flow test.

This is likely to be undertaken in conjunction with an appraisal well on the Dougga field and a possible exploration drilling campaign during 2011 to target other structures identified on 3D seismic data acquired prior to the drilling of the Lambouka-1 well.

ADX is operator of the Lambouka Prospect Area -- the limited area defined to be over the Lambouka prospect crossing Tunisia's Kerkouane permit and south Italy's adjacent Pantelleria license -- with a 30% interest.

The company is partnered by the UK's Gulfsands Petroleum with 30%, and Australian companies Carnavale Resources (20%), Bombora Energy and PharmAust (both 10%).

China Chemical Weekly: http://news.chemnet.com/en/detail-1411716.html