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Asia: Australia's top coal port to cut volumes - paper

Asia: Australia's top coal port to cut volumes - paper

Write: Dhananjay [2011-05-20]
p>Coal producers shipping through Australia's Newcastle port, the world's largest coal export terminal, have been asked to cut supplies as the port cannot cope with contracted volumes, a newspaper said on Tuesday.

Exports from producers, including BHP Billiton (BHP.AX) (BLT.L), Rio Tinto (RIO.AX) (RIO.L) and Xstrata (XTA.L), could fall short of contracted volumes for 2010 by 10 million tonnes, worth up to A$1 billion ($935 million), as floods, rail problems and other issues hamper port operations, the Australian Financial Review said.

Coal is Australia's second biggest export earner after iron ore and rapid growth in China and India has kept global coal markets tight.

Queues at the port have risen to an average of 46 ships a day, and 37 ships were waiting on Monday, the paper added. At its all-time high in 2007, the queue at Newcastle had 83 ships.

The shipping delays are expected to mostly affect thermal coal due to its lower price, while companies are expected to maximise coking coal shipments to partially compensate for lower volumes, the paper said.

In the year to June, total trade throughput at the port was 103 million tonnes, made up mostly of coal.

China Chemical Weekly: http://news.chemnet.com/en/detail-1411716.html