Newcastle coal exports, vessel waiting times slide
Ruth [2011-05-20]
Coal exports from the Australian port of Newcastle fell 13pc in the week to 5 July amid a lack of rail capacity to transport the coal.
Operator Newcastle Port said it shipped 1.84mn t of coal during the latest week, down from 2.11mn t a week earlier. The Hunter Valley Coal Chain Logistics Team (HVCCLT), which is responsible for planning coal exports from the region, said the exports were below target because of a reduction in available rail capacity.
The number of vessels waiting to load coal at Newcastle fell sharply to 12 from 61. Another 53 ships have been allocated a notified arrival time and are in transit but not anchored. The average waiting time for vessels fell to 12.83 days from 15.17 days.
Producers had forecast July shiploading of 7.3mn t for Port Waratah Coal Services, which operates the two Newcastle terminals, HVCCLT said. This compares with a declared outbound throughput of 9mn t for the month.
Coal stocks at the Carrington terminal fell to 182,845t from 234,954t, while inventories at the Kooragang terminal increased to 876,425t from 854,329t.