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Nanjing City, Lite-On Collaborate on Eco-Friendly Technologies

Nanjing City, Lite-On Collaborate on Eco-Friendly Technologies

Write: Natalya [2011-05-20]

Nanjing City Mayor Ji Jianye said the city and Taiwan`s Lite-On Group of Taiwan have agreed to enter into long-term cooperation on eco-friendly energy and lighting technologies to address the city`s needs for the products for public-work projects set in mainland China`s 12th Five-Year Development Plan.

As part of the cooperation, Nanjing, which is a symbolic city in the five-year plan`s energy-saving project, has contracted the group to supply LED streetlights to replace traditional lights.

Ji, who led a procurement mission comprising merchants based in the city and city officials to visit Taiwan on Feb. 20, said the mission has procured more than US$800 million worth of products in Taiwan during this visit. He added that the city`s procurement mission will buy more when it visits the island in 2012.