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The 70th Anniversary Celebration Held by Chongqing Yaoyou

The 70th Anniversary Celebration Held by Chongqing Yaoyou

Write: Baran [2011-05-20]

Bustling with festivity and hilarity, Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical 70th anniversary ceremony was grandly celebrated at Sun City of Chongqing Wudu Hotel on the morning of July 26.

The ceremony was themed by Blossoms bloom at the age of 70 and divided into three chapters: Recollections of the past, Blossoms Bloom at the age of 70, Solid foundation before aiming high . The epic video is the mainline of ceremony, among which blended with music, poetry, song and dance and thus turn into a ceremony with the collision of fine art and innovation, glory mingled with passion. The whole ceremony demonstrated 70 years of glorious journey of Yaoyou, embodied the massive feeling of culture sediments and manifested the determination of Yaoyou to create bright future.

Immersed in the festival sound of music, Party Committee Secretary and Vice Chairman of Board of Directors Mr. Yang Zongqi sincerely expressed his gratitude for those who once devoted to Yaoyou, working and will make effort for Yaoyou and people from all walks of life who re concerned about the development of Yaoyou all along.

President of Fosun Pharmaceutical Mr. Wang Fan publicly announced the appraisal results of the Ten Historical Events and Ten historical Figures from Year 1939 to Year 2009. Some elected and their relatives mounted the platform for accepting the awards, which pushed the ardor of whole audience to high tide.

Always bear in mind where the water comes from and harbor with a grateful bosom. As one of the founders of Fosun Pharmaceutical, Mr. Shi Xiaoquan is approaching old age and unable to arrive at the site. Mr. Yang Zongqi, Fosun Pharmaceutical Party Committee Secretary and Vice Chairman of Board of Directors, visited his family on behalf of the company and bestowed the highest award of the ceremony - Lifetime Achievement Award to Mr.

Shi Xiaoquan who devoted all his life to Yaoyou, meanwhile Mr. Yang expressed his gratitude and blessings for Yaoyou. The scene was made into video and played on site.

Thereafter, Mr. Liu Qiang, the Board Chairman, looked ahead to the prospects of Yaoyou and painted a magnificent blueprint for the audience. He called upon all the staff to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of Yaoyou, resolve to succeed and make all-out efforts to accomplish the centennial business of Yaoyou.

Mr. Chen Qiyu, President of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd., and Mr. Huang Shiyan, President of Chongqing Chemical Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd. were presented at the ceremony in person and offered their cordial congratulations. The Board Chairman of Shanghai Fosun Hi-tech, Mr.

Guo Guangchang, the Board Chairman of Chongqing Huayi Holding Group Co., Ltd., Mr. An Qihong, the Board Chairman of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Wang Qunbin, and the Vice President of Chongqing Chemical Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co., Ltd., Mr. Xhang Fangyuan, also offered their profound blessings via video.

Yaoyou will acquire more splendent achievements in the future s prospects.

The celebration was wrapped up successfully to the passionate and exalted sound of music My country, cheers for you . The honored guests from Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical, Chongqing Chemical & Pharmaceutical Group, Chongqing Pharmaceutical Research Institute and Chongqing Carelife Pharmaceutical and another 400 staff from Yaoyou Pharmaceutical participated in the anniversary ceremony.