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NEU Graduate School Dalian Branch Established in Neusoft Institute of Information

NEU Graduate School Dalian Branch Established in Neusoft Institute of Information

Write: Amara [2011-05-20]

On October 10, the press conference to announce the establishment of NEU Graduate School Dalian Branch is held in Neusoft Dalian Institute of Information. This is another cooperative action in the field of IT education after establishment of NEU-Neusoft Institute of Information, which is independent from NEU and set up jointly by NEU & Neusoft on May 25, 2004.

The establishment indicates that the ESP educational system (educational service provider) constructed by Neusoft Institute of Information, a collection of multi-level degree conferring education, training education and on-line education, have been radicated.

With the establishment of NEU Graduate School Dalian Branch in Neusoft Institute of Information, besides launching undergraduate course, level of junior college and degree conferring education, Neusoft Institute of Information can rely on the graduate school of NEU to launch a full-time graduates and MSE (software engineering master) training.

Post-doctor working station in Neusoft Dalian Institute of Information set up by National ministry of personnel will also strengthen cultivation of advanced talents. Neusoft Institute of Information, fruit under the new system of university-enterprise unity in the field of domestic IT education will become a new-type specialized IT colleges with complete level, perfect system, powerful ability, and innovative educational pattern.

It is expressed by Dr. He Jicheng, president of NEU, NEU's best choice to explore new way for traditional colleges is to try new-period reform of high level educational management system and the innovation of educational mode and teaching contents through running school jointly with Neusoft. It is proved that by four-year development, this " experimental plot " of Neusoft institute of Information, have made the gratifying achievements in talent training mode, management operation system and knowledge system reform of the school.

The vice-president of NEU, Neusoft Group's Chairman & CEO Dr. Liu Jiren expresses, we're short of the IT talents, especially advanced ones in China. The difficulty of training is great with high costs and the floating of professionals is frequent, which are influencing and restricting the development of IT industry seriously.

Neusoft Group will undertake the holy mission and responsibility in the cultivation of graduates in future. The technologists selected and appointed by the company with reputable research and development ability as graduate student's tutor, come to participate in the teaching organization and implementation, and the institute will rely mainly on practice in enterprises to carry on actual combat ability training in second year after graduates' courses at the same time.

We hope the graduates from Neusoft Institute of Information can possess internationalized vision and skills of communication in the future, be familiar with trade theory and knowledge of the front, to become the advanced talents that possess the capacity of advisor's consultation, system analysis and design.

NEU-Neusoft president of institute of information Dr. Wen Tao says that, Neusoft institute of Information will use foreign cultivation experience of engineering applied graduates for reference to set down the nurturing and ability training plan which accord with trade demand. Neusoft Institute of Information will take IT discipline as the core at initial stage, and increase relevant disciplines that the society needs progressively.

It is reported, the branch of Graduate School established newly will realize the plan that enrolls 200-300 new students in the first batch next year, and expand the graduates enrollment scale, range and enrich the majors according to the needs of society progressively afterwards.