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NEU and Neusoft Jointly Establish an Institute

NEU and Neusoft Jointly Establish an Institute

Write: Devrity [2011-05-20]

Neusoft Institute of Information Is Set Up

On May 25, the press conference to announce the establishment of Neusoft Institute of Information was held in Dalian. Neusoft Institute of Information is the first independent institute which specializes in nurturing IT talents ever formed among institutions of higher learning directly under the Ministry of Education.

The institute is committed to cultivating talents for IT industry and for the construction of information technology community that are in urgent need of such talents. The establishment of this institute will set an example of innovative IT education and will significantly contribute to broad-scale education of IT talents of undergraduate level.

Neusoft Institute of Information is a full-time institution of higher learning offering regular undergraduate programs. Being an independent school of Northeastern University and jointly established by Northeastern University and Neusoft Group, the institute has integrated the resources of both the renowned university and the leading enterprise.

The institute has its separate campus from the university, conducts students-recruiting activity independently, and holds independent corporation qualification. According to the requirement of Ministry of Education, the curriculum setup of independent institutes will be mainly addressing the needs of development for local and social economy, with a focus on specializations that are in urgent need by human resource market and the society.

By a report on talents that are in urgent need released this April by the six national ministries including Ministry of Education and Ministry of Human Resource, the total value of China software industry is estimated to reach US $250 billion by 2005, and the need for IT talents will increase about one million annually. In face of such urgent demand for IT talents, Neusoft Institute of Information emerges as times require.

Northeastern University is one of the prominent multi-discipline universities in China, and has been listed in national Project 211 and Project 985 , while Neusoft Group, originated from Northeastern University, is the leading software and solution provider in China . The cooperation between Neusoft Group and Northeastern University first started in 2000 when Neusoft invested several hundreds of millions to jointly establish an IT institute in Dalian Software Park.

Now the university and the company joins hands again to start an independent institute offering regular undergraduate programs, which will aggressively promote China higher education and will help to resolve the supply-demand contradiction between the development of higher education and the needs of the country and the society.

President of Northeastern University Dr. He Jicheng, vice president of Northeastern University and chairman & CEO of Neusoft Group Dr. Liu Jiren, chairman of Dalian Software Park Mr. Sun Yinhuan, and president of Neusoft Institute of Information Dr. Wen Tao attended the press conference, all of which believe that the institute will supply qualified talents to China IT industry and thus in turn bring benefits to the institute, the university, the enterprise partners, and the society.

It is reported that the institute mainly offers engineering courses and also offer business and arts courses with computer science and technology, information technology and business management, digital arts, foreign languages department offering full-time regular undergraduate programs. According to the demand for talents from the market, the institute will set up computer science and technology, software engineering, e-commerce, management information system, art design(concentrating on computer animation), English and Japanese program, all of which are subject to the national student-recruiting plan for ordinary institutions of higher learning.

This September, Neusoft Institute of Information will welcome its first batch of 1000 undergraduate newcomers.