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Australia:Government reviews textile, clothing and footwear industry

Australia:Government reviews textile, clothing and footwear industry

Write: Lon [2011-05-20]
The Federal Government will undertake a review of the textyile, clothing and footwear industry, saying the former government failed to assist the sector despite an awareness of increasing competitive stress.
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Minister, Senator Kim Carr says the review will be conducted by Professor Roy Green in consultation with an industry reference group.Professor Green is the Dean of the Macquarie Graduate School of Management.The Government will separately request that the Productivity Commission undertake modelling on economy-wide effects of future assistance options.
The Commission's modelling will be released publicly to inform Professor Green's examination of the industry, public debate, and the Government's deliberations in this area."Australia's TCF industries have faced increasing competitive pressures over the last decade," he says.
"I expect the establishment of the review will provide renewed energy and enthusiasm across TCF industries," Carr says.Its task will be to develop practical and effective strategies to ensure Australia's TCF industries remains competitive.
"The review will take into account the changing nature of the industries in the TCF sector and assess their current performance and prospects," Carr says."It will seek to ensure that TCF industries are able to take advantage of new technologies and new research and have the skills and strategies that are needed to compete in the global market place."
Carr adds the issue of industry assistance will also be addressed.