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EU: Public Hearing on "The development of the European textile and clothing industry"

EU: Public Hearing on "The development of the European textile and clothing industry"

Write: Pusti [2011-05-20]

The Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is staging a public hearing on the theme of "The development of the European textile and clothing industry" on 30 October 2007 at the Technological Centre for the Textile and Clothing Industries of Portugal (CITEVE), near Porto. This is part of the CCMI's examination of the evolution of these sectors (plus the footwear segment) in the European Union, which will culminate in the drafting of an Information Report.

A significant amount of work has been undertaken recently in this domain – notably by the relevant High Level Group – and more is underway at both the Dublin Foundation and the European Commission. Moreover, the Portuguese Presidency of the Council has indicated that it intends to place the issue on its agenda over the next six months.

The CCMI, along with and its Chairman, Mr Joost van Iersel (NL/Employers Group), is mindful of the need to sustain and develop the debate in this area, while ensuring no duplication of work either conducted already or in the pipeline. Observes Mr Van Iersel: "The guiding principle of the hearing in Portugal –and indeed its differentiating characteristic– is an exchange of experience and best practice between a number of regions traditionally active in the textile and clothing industry. This approach is designed to measure the degree to which conclusions reached at sectoral level reflect the realities on the ground. In addition to this barometric role", he continues, "the hearing will, by its nature, permit the detailed examination of the sectors at grassroots level; an aspect hitherto lacking – albeit understandably– from the work conducted by other bodies and institutions".

The list of speakers is representative of the main stakeholders, such as entrepreneurs (with particular attention to SMEs), employees, consumers, local and regional authorities and European institutions.