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Uzbekistan : 4th CAITME 2008 to showcase latest technology

Uzbekistan : 4th CAITME 2008 to showcase latest technology

Write: Wickham [2011-05-20]

4th Central Asian International Textile Machinery Exhibition (CAITME 2008) will take place from April 16 to 18 in Uzexpocentre, Uzbekistan.
The largest international textile machinery exhibition in Central Asia. CAITME is a showcase of the latest technology and a meeting place for buyers and sellers from all over the world.
Uzbekistan Textile Industry Development:
Only in 2006 twenty two new textile enterprises with total cost over $108 millions and 7980 job opportunities were started up. 14 of them are directed toward textile garments manufacturing.
Export potential of the enterprises at full capacity is $125 millions a year. Foreign founders of created plants are German, British and Turkish companies having great experience in textile manufacturing and product export to EU countries and USA.
With the object of further textile industry development it is necessary to continue technical re-equipment and reconstruction of old mills and create mobile manufactures as well as creation of new enterprises with full line of production up to ready-made articles with high surplus value.
In accordance with the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministries if the Republic of Uzbekistan N 38 “About Measures on Investment Attraction in textile Industry” of the 27th of January, 2005, the Textile Industry Investment Program for 2005-2008 was affirmed.
94 projects with investments with total amount of $1.2 billions were included in this Program. The investments are set aside for technical re-equipment, modernization and full reconstruction of textile mills with full line of production. It is supposed that realization of those projects lead to phased increasing volume of high technological local proceeding up to 50% of total cotton fiber made in Uzbekistan.

Who visits the Exhibition?:
- Heads and managers of textile and sewing enterprises and manufactures.
- Heads and employees of the governmental organisations, ministries, state industrial associations and companies of
- Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and other countries of Asia, Europe and the CIS.
- Private businessmen and heads of the private textile and sewing enterprises.
- Representatives of distributor companies.
- Scientific employees and technical experts.
- Representatives of international financial institutions and banks.
Official Support:
- Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and
- Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on
- Demonopolization, Support of Competition and
- Enterpreneurship
- State Joint-Stock Company “UzbekYengilSanoat” (“Uzbek Light Industry”)
Main Sectors of CAITME 2007:
- Machinery for spinning preparation, man-made fibre production, spinning, auxiliary machinery and accessories
- Machinery for winding, texturing, twisting, auxiliary machinery and accessories
- Machinery for web formation, bonding and finishing of nonwovens and felting, auxiliary machinery and accessories
- Weaving preparatory machinery, weaving, tufting machinery, auxiliary machinery and accessories
- Knitting and hosiery machinery, auxiliary machinery and accessories
- Braiding and embroidery machinery, accessories
- Washing, bleaching, dyeing, printing, drying, finishing and make-up machinery, auxiliary machinery and accessories
- Machinery and accessories for the making-up industry
- Laboratory testing and measuring equipment, accessories
- Transport, handling, storing and packing equipment, accessories
- Equipment for recycling, waste reduction and pollution prevention, accessories
- Software for design, data monitoring and processing and integrated production
- Associated equipment and products for the textile and making-up industry
- Services for the textile and making-up industry.