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Pakistan: Relief Package?: NA body recommends more incentives for cotton growers

Pakistan: Relief Package?: NA body recommends more incentives for cotton growers

Write: Karma [2011-05-20]
The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Textile Industry on Thursday recommended the government to facilitate the cotton growers by giving them incentives for sowing maximum cotton for the consumption of textile industry.
The committee met conducted a meeting under the chairmanship of MNA Haji Muhammad Akram Ansari at the Parliament House. He said that cotton was cash crop of the country and the main source of foreign exchange earning. However, he said that cotton growers were in miserable condition and there was an urgent need to facilitate them. Through provision of more facilities, the growers would be induced to produce more. Such facilities would help the country to curtail its imports, and it would also help the government in its drive to save precious foreign exchange.
Better seed was playing an important role in the production of cotton and the committee recommended to provide good variety of seeds to the farmers for better crops. The committee was informed that the government was also considering the introduction of Bt cotton. In this regard negotiations were in progress with multinational seed provider companies. Federal minister for textile industry, federal secretary and other representatives from all sectors briefed the committee. The committee, after discussions with all stakeholders, made several recommendations.
The committee recommended to make arrangements for electricity generation and to ensure the availability of natural gas to the textile industry to avoid unemployment and financial crunch in the country. It also recommended bringing the power break down issue to the notice of prime minister for immediate relief. The committee was informed that pro-long power breakdown badly affected the textile sector of the country.
The standing committee on textile also recommended for paying full attention to develop spinning, weaving and processing sectors. It observed that due to the shortage of electricity and non –availability of gas the textile industry had been affected adversely.
For spreading textile education across the country, the committee recommended to set-up textile faculty in all engineering universities of the country. It recommended adopting measures to develop un-organised sectors and allocate and increase financial assistance for Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP). Several other recommendations were made including visit to textile industries in Sialkot, establishment of garments city and institute in Sialkot. The TCP was directed to make the remaining payment to the cotton growers. The committee advised to compile viewing and suggestions from all related sectors for making Textile Policy. The committee constitutes of a sub-committee to monitor the formulation of Textile Policy and its implementations.