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Resident invents horn monitor

Resident invents horn monitor

Write: Edda [2011-05-20]

A RESIDENT of Nanshan District has invented a monitor which can record the sound of car horns.

The monitor can record the exact time when a driver has sounded the horn, which can help traffic police collect proof to punish drivers who sound their horns in restricted areas, according to Chinese media reports.

Using the monitor, police can check drivers sounding record.

New traffic regulations that took effect Aug. 1 imposed a maximum 150-yuan (US$23) fine on drivers who sound their horns in restricted areas.

But up until now it has been difficult for police to collect proof in enforcing the law.

Deng Donghong, the inventor, became fed up with repeated horn blasts last June when traffic around his home was hampered by road construction.

However, Deng said his invention would need government support to have it installed on all vehicles.

My friends all like the invention, but none of them want to install it, Deng said.

Although the invention is promising, it will take a long time to take it to market, Deng.

(Li Hao)