Jun 10, 2010 - Trempealeau County has approved a silica mining operation near Blair, Wis., that mine owners claim will bring up to 40 jobs to the area and opponents say will threaten area residents' health, property values and quality of life.
The county's Environment and Land Use Committee voted Wednesday to approve a conditional-use permit that will allow the Canadian company Winn Bay Sand to extract an estimated 13.6 million cubic yards of sandstone from a 350-acre site in the town of Preston.
Winn Bay, a limited partnership company that also operates a mine in Saskatchewan, plans to crush and process materials on site to produce fine sand particles used in a natural gas mining process known as hydraulic fracturing.
The permit came with requirements that Winn Bay test wells and structures on neighboring properties, limit blasting to certain hours of the day, and test air quality at the edges of the site.
But the committee voted down a suggestion from land use staff to require the company to pay for a third-party environmental study.
Committee Chairman George Brandt cast the lone vote against the permit, saying the decision could fundamentally change the character of Trempealeau County.
About 40 people attended a public hearing that began about 9:30 a.m. and lasted more than six hours. Most opposed the mine, voicing concerns about its potential effects on air and water quality.
Committee members who voted for the permit said almost everyone they heard from before the meeting favored the mine.
Company officials estimate they will mine about 800,000 cubic yards of sand for each of the next 20 years. Jamie Punt, head of sales and business development, said the site is ideal because it sits on a vein of Wonewoc sandstone valued for its spherical particles, is secluded from view, and has access to rail lines.
Dan Lee, who spoke against the permit, worried the mine would destroy the county's scenic beauty "one of the greatest resources we have" and that Winn Bay eventually will ship other materials to the site for processing.
Committee member Michael Nelson said while he feels sorry for people affected by the mine, it's difficult to turn down jobs and he trusts Winn Bay to control the dust.
Mine opponent Amy Swanson urged the committee to wait until the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources develops regulations for airborne silica.
"Don't allow a mine without standards or a way to enforce standards," she said.
The company said they hope to start construction this fall and begin mining by spring 2011.