Following domestic producers association's petition, anti-dumping investigations have been initiated by the Designated Authority in the Commerce Ministry in soda ash imports from China, European Union (EU), Kenya, Pakistan, Iran, Ukraine and US.
Domestic producers produce soda in two forms, namely light soda ash and dense soda ash. These two types vary in terms of bulk density. Soda ash is produced by synthetic as well as natural methods, known as dissolution process. Association??s petition includes all kinds and forms of soda ash.
The petitioners led by the Alkali Manufacturers' Association of India, with GHCL Ltd, DCW, Nirma and Saurashtra Chemicals Ltd., have provided details on various parameters regarding material injury due to dumped imports from subject countries and put forth evidence for the said injury, having taken place, due to the alleged dumping in the form of production fall, capacity utilization, return on investments, profits, market share, cash flow, price underselling and undercutting.
The period during April 2009 to March 2010 would be brought under investigation, and as per a notification issued recently by the authority, the injury probe covers the fiscal years; 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 years and the period of investigation.