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Australian Wool Production Expected To Fall Slightly

Australian Wool Production Expected To Fall Slightly

Write: Ailish [2011-05-20]
The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee today released its latest forecast for the 2010/11 season at 335 mkg greasy, making a small downward revision of its previous forecast.

Committee Chairman Russell Pattinson said that "the small reduction is due largely to worsening seasonal conditions in Western Australia resulting in lower fleece weights. There has also been a substantial turn-off of sheep from that state, including significant numbers being transported to the eastern states. It is estimated that up to one million sheep (mostly "off-shears") have been transferred from Western Australia to the eastern states in the 2010 calendar year."

"The latest forecast is 5 mkg greasy lower than the Committee's estimate of 340 mkg for the 2010/11 clip in August and is a decline of 2.3 per cent on the 2009/10 shorn wool production level. The number of sheep shorn in 2010/11 is forecast to be 72.4 million head, 900,000 head fewer than the forecast four months ago ."