The NPD Group, Inc., a leading market research company, released the results of its fifth annual study on the global sports market, Global Sports Estimate 2010. This year s report shows that the worldwide sports market has declined for the first time since 2005. Accordingly, global sales of sports equipment, apparel and footwear is valued at 282 billion USD ( 213 billion) for 2009, which is a 2 percent decline from 2008.
The state of the global economy and its subsequent impact on consumers worldwide has had an impact on the sport market, as well, said Renaud Vaschalde, global sports industry analyst, The NPD Group, Inc. We found that the market declined 4 percent in the US and 5 percent in Japan which are keys to understanding the global decline.
While the overall sport market suffered declines, there are pockets of growth; Middle East (+3 percent), North Africa (+5 percent), equipment in Europe (+1 percent), and footwear in Asia (+1 percent).
Looking at footwear, apparel and equipment products purchased for sport use the Global Sports Estimate found they performed better in Europe (-1 percent) and Asia (+1 percent) than in the U.S. (-4 percent). Products purchased for sport style where down everywhere, -3 percent in Europe and in the U.S. and -1 percent in Asia.
It is really the impact of the trend for sport use that shows us why we are seeing less of a decline in Europe and Asia versus the U.S., noted Vaschalde.
As we are seeing the signs of recovery in 2010, so too is there evidence that the global sports market will bounce back in 2010 with a forecast of an increase of 1 percent globally.
We have just ended the 2010 World Cup and we know that from past tournament years this is a key driver of sales in the football market and in turn that will help to push the overall sport market back into positive territory, says Vaschalde, In addition, the U.S. market is expected to stabilize and potentially grow in 2010.
The NPD Group is now able to estimate the market size for 90 countries in the world. For the top 15 countries, NPD measures or estimates market size broken down by sport. For each sport within those countries, NPD estimates footwear, apparel, equipment, sales intended for sport use and sales NOT intended for sport use separately. The estimate covers the years 2009 and 2008.
Methodology: This study s estimates of the global sports market s size are based on The NPD Group, Inc. s consumer panel tracking data, statistical projections, and the company s extensive sports industry expertise. The NPD Group measures the athletic footwear and sports apparel markets in 10 countries, representing 70% of the global sports sales. For the remaining 30%, NPD estimates are based on assumptions related to Gross Domestic Product development.