China and the EU will pay more for Peruvian exports
Marta [2011-05-20]
Asparagus will cost between US$ 5 and US$ 11 and grapes more than 6 USD/pound exporting companies grow in a trend of 15%
Markets such as China and the EU receive products from Peru with prices three times the ones paid locally. According to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism "In China and the EU, there are consumers with more purchase power and they pay more for Peruvian products due to the higher added value, quality and competitiveness".
Peru exports to 170 markets. China and the EU are important since the returns are higher, specially in winter time, when demand is increasing.
Peruvian exports are based in a Strategic Plan to 10 years (PENX 2003-2013). The plan is based on export supply, trade facilitation, destination markets and exporting culture.