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China: Vegetable prices soar, exports decrease

China: Vegetable prices soar, exports decrease

Write: Rush [2011-05-20]
Frbiz's industry manager said that in recent months overseas vegetable orders of fresh Chinese produce have decreased sharply, which may be related to the vegetable price surges.
Due to natural disasters and adverse weather, the impact on agricultural prices has become clear. Recently, the price of vegetables, and some crops, continued to rise throughout the first quarter of 2010.
At the end of April, prices of most varieties of vegetables have increased substantially over the past year. Chinese cabbage price was 2.02 yuan / kg, up 110% over six months ago; potatoes were 2.96 yuan / kg, up 92% over six months ago; eggplant was 3.08 yuan / kg, up 113%; and green pepper was 4.72 yuan / kg, up 96%. Compared with a half year ago, as the Chinese cabbage, celery, tomatoes, cucumber and other vegetable varieties are rising twice as high, even the lowest increases are as high as 30% and 50%.
Frbiz analyzes that with the warming climate, vegetable prices are almost certain to continue their rising trend. Some analysts have pointed out that, in addition to the north seeing a colder spring and natural leading to reduced production, vegetable distribution costs do not help vegetable prices fall. This year, the production, transportation, storage and labor costs have increased, which will directly lead to vegetable production and marketing costs increasing.