South Australian Wineries Interested in China Wine Market
Georgia [2011-05-20]
CANBERRA, Australia South Australia's (SA) world-renowned wineries on Wednesday said they hope to tap into China's burgeoning wine market with a trade mission and wine tastings.
Twelve wineries, including Belvidere, Chalk Hill and Bethany, spanning every wine growing region in the state are being represented on a mission to China, SA Minister for Industry and Trade Tom Koutsantonis said.
"The rapidly expanding Chinese middle class is creating outstanding opportunities for South Australian wine," the minister said in a statement.
"There are between 50 and 250 million potential wine drinkers in China.
"Wine is South Australia's fifth largest export to China, worth 49 million dollars (42.7 million U.S. dollars) and the market is still in its infancy."
The trip will include visits to major wine retailers and distributors and there will be tastings with invited guests, and a Wine Showcase Dinner for influential wine distributors and wholesalers in Shanghai and Qingdao, China.
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