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CIMIE-New Food Safety Committee Set Up

CIMIE-New Food Safety Committee Set Up

Write: Blair [2011-05-20]
CHINA - The China Meat Association has set up a new organisation to oversee food safety issues in the meat industry, writes ThePigSite senior editor, Chris Harris.

During the China International Meat Industry summit in Beijing, the CMA established the Complaint Mediation Committee.
The new committee will work with government organisations and agencies and meat industry enterprises in a bid to overcome food safety issues that have been affecting the meat industry.
The committee will oversee implementation of food safety regulations and measures, and assist in strengthening discipline in the industry.
It will also help in publicising new laws and regulations, handling complaints and publicising standards, deputy general secretary of the CMA Gao Guan told the industry summit.
The committee will also help consumers with any complaints and problems.
"This will all help with the development of the Chinese meat industry," Mr Gao said.