MANILA, Philippines - Much has been said and written about hybrid rice C that this miracle crop is a big boost to our rice production program, that it is profitable and that hybrid rice technology would cut down rice importation hereby saving for our country billions of pesos every year.
We have much to learn from China, the world s most populous nation, which has attained rice sufficiency through hybrid rice technology. To fully develop agriculture and invigorate its rural economy, China popularized advance science and technology which has not only substantially raised its food production but has also improved the living standards of its farmers.
This was the result of the successful implementation of hybrid rice production technology in China which enabled it to feed over 1.3 billion people and still be in a position to export its surplus in the world market, said Henry Lim, chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of SL Agritech Corp.
The Chinese government turned to hybrid seeds developed by Prof. Yuan Longping in the 70s to turn around its rice production.
In China, more than 60 percent of rice lands are planted to hybrid rice. Since 1976, hybrid rice has been cultivated on more than 230 million hectares in the Chinese mainland, raising by 300 billion kilograms the country s production, resulting in an enormous social and economic gain for China.
Prof. Longping, acknowledged in China as the Father of Hybrid Rice whose remarkable achievements in hybrid rice research have won him numerous international awards including the coveted Ramon Magsaysay Award, is the director of the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center.
Prof. Yuan made true his promise to me when I was in China, to transfer hybrid rice farming technology to the Philippines to help our country attain rice sufficiency, like what he did in China, Lim said.
In 2006, Lim was cited by the China National Hybrid Rice research and Development Center for his successful development and commercialization of the SL Series of hybrid rice varieties in the Philippines. He went to China to personally receive the plaque of commendation from Prof. Longping.
Lim said the government s investment in the hybrid rice program will have a tremendous multiplier effect on the economy since farmers can earn a net income P120,000 per hectare per season if they harvest 14 to 16 metric tons (MT) per hectare.
The SL-8H hybrid variety, which more and more farmers are now planting, could yield 180-335 cavans of rice per hectare which is two to three times higher than the yields of inbred rice variety.
While thousands of our farmers are already aware of the potentials of hybrid rice, there are those who continue to criticize this rice program. On our part, we will remain and will continue to be a force in the industry. Our paramount goal is to be an instrument not only in improving the lives of our farmers but more so to be of service to our country, Lim said.