Chinese man grows snake-like melons
Cutler [2011-05-20]
His melons look like giant boa constrictors slinking onto unsuspecting visitors from among a canopy of vines high above their heads.
The rare, 12 to 20 foot long, colorful, snake-like melons at the Modern Agricultural Park in Hailing District of Taizhou City in Jiangsu Province are the creation of local horticulture expert Gong Jincai.
Sixty-three year old Mr. Gong has also cultivated an eight kg (17 lbs.) radish, an 18 kg (40 lbs.) sweet potato, a 128 kg (350 lbs.) pumpkin all together more than 120 large, special, rare plants.
Mr. Gong is a graduate of Central Agricultural Broadcasting School and has worked at the Taizhou City Agricultural Park for the last three years. His giant and rare plant creations have attracted over 100,000 tourists.