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China expresses firm opposition to U.S. resolution on Liu Xiaobo

China expresses firm opposition to U.S. resolution on Liu Xiaobo

Write: Philadelphia [2011-05-20]

BEIJING, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday expressed its firm opposition to a U.S. congressional resolution on convicted Chinese criminal Liu Xiaobo, winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize, and urged U.S. lawmakers to change "arrogant and rude" attitude.

"The so-called resolution approved by the U.S. House of Representatives disregards facts and distorts truth, and is flagrant interference in China's internal affairs," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu at a regular news briefing.

The U.S. House of Representatives approved the resolution on Wednesday that congratulates Liu for winning the Nobel Peace Prize and calls on China to release him.

Liu was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Dec. 25, 2009, after a Beijing court convicted him of violating Chinese law and engaging in activities aimed at overthrowing the government.

"We urge relevant U.S. lawmakers to stop their wrongdoing on this issue, change their arrogant and rude attitude and show due respect for the Chinese people and China's judicial sovereignty," said Jiang.

China has repeatedly voiced opposition to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu. Jiang said earlier that more than 100 countries and international organizations had expressed support for China's stance.

"Justice lies in the heart of the people," said Jiang.

"A vast majority of the international community does not support the Nobel Committee's wrong decision and any move by the committee will not change the fact that Liu Xiaobo commited crimes," she said.

"Any attempt to use the issue to exert pressure on China or block China's development cannot succeed," said Jiang.

"The people on the Nobel Committee must admit they are the minority. The Chinese people and a majority of countries and people in the world all oppose what they have done," Jiang said.