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Producer Price Index (PPI) for Manufactured Goods Increased in January, 2011

Producer Price Index (PPI) for Manufactured Goods Increased in January, 2011

Write: Lotta [2011-05-20]

In January 2011, Producer Price Index (PPI) for manufactured goods was up by 0.9 percent month-on-month and 6.6 percent year-on-year; purchasing prices for industrial producers rose by 1.2 percent month-on-month and 9.7 percent year-on-year.

PPI for means of production increased 1.0 percent over last December. Of the total, PPIs for mining and quarrying industry increased 2.3 percent; that of raw materials industry and machining industry correspondingly up by 1.3 and 0.7 percent. PPI for means of consumer goods grew 0.5 percent over the previous month. Of which, PPIs for foodstuff increased 1.0 percent; that of clothing and commodities rose 0.5 and 0.5 percent, while that of durable consumer goods dropped 0.1 percent.

PPI for means of production increased 7.5 percent year-on-year. Of the total, PPIs for mining and quarrying industry increased 13.7 percent; that of raw materials industry and machining industry correspondingly up by 10.0 and 5.8 percent. PPI for means of consumer goods grew 3.8 percent. Of which, PPIs for foodstuff increased 6.6 percent; that of clothing and commodities rose 3.8 and 4.2 percent, while that of durable consumer goods dropped 0.8 percent.

In terms of different categories:

PPI for crude oil increased 5.4 percent, month-on-month. PPIs for oil products, such as gasoline, diesel and kerosene increased 3.2, 3.3 and 4.0 percent respectively.

PPI for latex surged by 3.9 percent month-on-month; that for polystyrene foam climbed 2.3 percent.

PPI for mining and washing of coal industry was up by 1.6 percent over last December. Of which, PPI for crude coal increased 1.4 percent.

PPI for smelting and pressing of ferrous metals grew 2.0 percent month-on-month. Of which, PPIs for large and medium & small steels surged by 3.0 and 2.2 percent; that ofwire rod and heavy steel plate got an increase of 1.8 and 4.2 percent.

PPI for smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals was up by 2.8 percent month-on-month. Of the total, copper, zinc, aluminum and leadclimbed 4.4, 1.9, 1.8 and 1.6 percent respectively.

In addition, wherein the purchasing price for industrial producers, the price for nonferrous metal materials, fuel and power, ferrous metal materials, and farming by-products increased 2.4, 1.8, 1.4 and 1.0 percent respectively month-on-month.


. Since January 2011, NBS begins to conduct new statistical system and survey methods on PPI. purchasing prices for raw material, fuels and power is renamed purchasing price for industrial producers .

. The product catalog for survey is recompiled according to the new industrial classification and product classification for statistics , as well as based on the ideas of experts and enterprises being investigated. The new catalog on PPI for manufactured goods is including 39 industries, 191 divisions and 525 sub-divisions, and more than 11 thousand of industrial products with 1702 basic classifications, which increased nearly 2000 categories of products than that in the old; the new catalog on purchasing price for industrial producers includes 900 basic classifications with more than 6000 categories of products, increased more than 2500 categories of products than that in the old.

. The weights are re-calculated according to the material of 2008-2010 sales value by industry, and of 60 thousand of enterprises by typical survey. In light of new weights, the results on PPI are little lower by 0.03 and 0.05 percentage points respectively on month-on-month and year-on-year.

. The price indices with 2010 base yearare built in adoption with Laspeyres formula that generally used in the international world.